Saturday 10 February 2018

Blue Peter Badges

This is nothing to do with my usual Disney or Home Décor Posts but I wanted to write it and don't have anywhere else.  This is the information I wish I had known before my daughter asked me and I couldn't find anywhere.  This is only our experience and not in any way official guidelines.  I'm also not going to go into any detail about exactly what she made/did/wrote about to get the badges because I feel like that is cheating somehow.

My daughter started watching Blue Peter when she was about 5 and I wanted her to start watching slightly 'older' shows.  I felt like she was too old for the likes of Mr Tumble but not really old enough for the topics covered on some shows aimed at older children.  I deemed Blue Peter to be safe viewing.
Almost as soon as she started watching, she wanted the badge.  I remember Blue Peter badges from when I was a child but I never had one and didn't know anyone that did, I always thought you had to be on the show to get one.  It seems things have changed, I looked on the cbbc website and found that you can apply for one with an interesting letter, poem, make, etc so I told my daughter and she decided she wanted to make something. 
Applying for the Badge
As it happened, there was a village show coming up and she could make and enter something into that too.  With this focus and a lot of creativity she set about making her project.  It won her a prize at the show and with this added enthusiasm and pride she wrote a letter to Blue Peter telling them how much she likes watching them make things and that she had made something and won a prize. 
After some help with spellings (I figured the people at Blue Peter would need to be able to read/understand it) and after some convincing that a photo of said project would be better than trying to post something very large, off to the post we went.
I had no idea how long it takes to get a reply, or if there is any guarantee of a reply so we waited.  I did a lot of searching, the official guidelines say that it can take 8 weeks to receive a badge but it doesn't confirm or deny the guarantee of a reply or badge. 
I have heard from another mum who had one child write off a poem or something and got a badge, while her other child has sent in several items and not heard back at all.
I made a mental note of the date we had posted the letter and thought it best to forget about it for a couple of months, but within 2 weeks there was a letter addressed to her on the doormat.  You have never seen more excited adults watching a confused child open a letter.  Even with the bulge in the envelope she didn't seem to work out what it was before she opened it.  She was so excited, it came with a lovely personalised letter, which talked about her letter and make.
The best thing about this for a parent's perspective is that the badge comes with an ID card  (which arrives separately usually a few weeks later).  This ID card gets the child free entry into lots of attractions, we have used it for zoos, historic houses and plan to visit many more.
It's also a great focus for an activity on a rainy day or a quiet half term day.
There's more than one?!? 
A few weeks later Blue Peter launched the Sports Badge (there are lots of Blue Peter badges now) and again, daughter really wanted to have a go.  This time, there was a form to download and complete and the task was to introduce a friend to a sport.  Luckily, she had just started a new sport and invited a friend along.  She completed the form (again, with help - I'm sure they have a lot to do and no time to decipher 6 year old writing but they were all her own words - just spelt correctly and legible) and sent it off. 
Again, there was a reply on the doormat within 2 weeks, this one might have been even quicker and the excitement was there all over again.
Isn't 2 enough??
After a break from badges, she wanted to try for another and chose the Silver Badge (this seems to be a part 2 to the standard Blue badge).  She wrote a letter off with photos on a different topic and off to the post we went again.  I was now pretty confident that these badges were a given and waited for the letter to arrive.  I shouldn't have been so confident.  After 6 weeks I gave up hoping and when she asked me about it, I told her that it had either got lost in the post or she could try again with something different.  Her enthusiasm for trying again straight away wasn't there and it's not something I want to push, so we left it and I didn't mention it again.  After 8 weeks, the envelope did arrive and she got her badge.  I turns out it was a good lesson is patience!!

Next project is the super sparkly limited edition Diamond Badge, again, this is a download and complete activity with questions and a colouring to do.  She spent some time over the school holidays completing it and seemed to really enjoy it.  We took it to the post and now we wait.......

The available badges are....
Blue - the standard badge - for appearing on the show or an interesting letter/make/idea/etc
Silver - same as blue but you already have a blue
Sport - available for a limited time each year - sport related
Orange - competition winner or runner up
Green - doing something for the environment
Purple - download a form and review an episode of the show
Diamond - limited edition in 2018 for the show's 60th birthday - download and complete
Gold - not really possible - this is reserved for super high achieving celebrities or people who have done something really amazing like save a life.

*Images are not my own, copyright unknown

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