Saturday 30 May 2015

Summer Terrace - well that took longer than expected....

So there has been a definite lack of updates - I'm sorry. Also at this point I'd like to add a disclaimer that this is probably a pretty grim read, it's just brutally honest.  I will do another post with the after photos and a summary of the progress to get it finished.

I have now finished the project and it is on the market, in total it took 7 months although for at least 3 months nothing at all happened and then it was very much part time.

It was tough, tougher than any other projects I've done and I'm not completely sure why but I'll try to gather my thoughts below.  

My previous solo renovation project was a pretty painful experience overall.  I was led by advice which turned out to be not that great.  I went through several sales that broke down for various reasons and it was really tough.  
It happens, it wasn't necessarily that I'd done anything wrong (maybe a couple of things I'd change in hindsight but nothing major) and the market wasn't great.  In summary, it was just a bit (lot) rubbish as an experience and left me questioning if I should carry on or just take the easier route and get a 'proper' job.

Anyway, jump forward a year or so and after some smaller design jobs I had some confidence back and started hunting for a new project.  Which was also much harder this time.  I do limit myself by location but I feel like all the renovation projects are priced so highly these days (and good luck to them - I get it - just from my point of view it isn't great).

I found this house and it was good on paper, I knew it wasn't great, but good is better than nothing.

With the knock to my confidence I found myself second guessing every decision and I think that is why it took so long to get started.  No matter what design decisions I make, they will be right for some people and wrong for others, I'll never forget one time when a viewer told me they didn't like gas fires and would have to rip out the brand new (not cheap) fire and replace it with electric.  I guarantee if I had put in an electric fire someone else would want to replace it with gas.  I can't always win, but then I can't leave it with nothing.

The market still isn't great and agents are estimating 3-6 months for a sale so it will be around a year from start to finish even if things go well.  And thats before I even get started on the viewings that didn't turn up or the cheeky downright rude offers that people think its ok to put forward.

I do wonder if buy to sell is over for me, I guess I'll wait and see what the future holds.

Sorry for the depressing nature of this, I'll get myself back to some happy Disney designs soon.